Using scenarios for roadmapping: The case of clean production

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Publication year: 2010
Source: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 18 May 2010

Ozcan, Saritas , Jonathan, Aylen

Roadmapping and scenarios are two widely used futures techniques which help R&D managers set priorities for research. These techniques are combined in a Foresight exercise assessing development of clean production in metal manufacturing, drawing on the European CLEANPROD project. The aim of the project is to develop a set of roadmaps for metal processing R&D to achieve breakthrough sustainability — “clean production”.Scenarios, a frequently used Foresight method, are used to set the context for the exercise, inform the design of technology roadmaps and influence the wider policy context. Roadmaps are developed for three process areas of metal manufacture – surface...

Last Updated on Monday, 21 February 2011 12:41