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Publication date: Available online 9 October 2017
Source:Journal of World Business
Author(s): Daniel Shapiro, Bersant Hobdari, Chang Hoon Oh
The natural resources sectors have not been prominent in the recent international business (IB) or management literature. We argue that the natural resources sectors, if not unique, are certainly characterized by a set of features that make them different, and raise issues that are central to international business. We identify two broad areas: the theory of FDI and the MNE, and the link between MNEs and sustainable development. We survey the relevant literature, much of it from outside IB, and identify a rich menu of research opportunities for IB scholars, many of which are addressed in the papers in this Special Issue.
Source:Journal of World Business
Author(s): Daniel Shapiro, Bersant Hobdari, Chang Hoon Oh