Sources d'information
Plus de 100 revues scientifiques de qualité sont surveillées en permanence pour repérer les textes pertinents au développement durable et à la responsabilité sociétale en contexte de PME.
41 |
Journal of Evolutionary Economics |
82275 |
42 |
Journal of Extension |
19192 |
43 |
Journal of high technology management research |
7826 |
44 |
Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship |
6697 |
45 |
Journal of international business studies |
7461 |
46 |
Journal of International Entrepreneurship |
12683 |
47 |
Journal of management |
39490 |
48 |
Journal of management development |
7443 |
49 |
Journal of Management Education |
47954 |
50 |
Journal of management inquiry |
13818 |
51 |
Journal of management studies |
9357 |
52 |
Journal of media economics |
6596 |
53 |
Journal of Organizational Change Management |
7313 |
54 |
Journal of Private Equity |
6566 |
55 |
Journal of product innovation management |
9148 |
56 |
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development |
8714 |
57 |
Journal of small business management |
8896 |
58 |
Journal of Technology Transfer |
19804 |
59 |
Journal of world business |
5823 |
60 |
Long range planning |
6320 |
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